My guess from your description is that #1 is more likely than #2 (since it sounds like you are getting a sheet albeit a blank one), unless you are using the Community Contributed sheet, which has been largely abandoned. If you do not have a sheet attached to the game you can change this on the game details page.
At this time, there are only two sheets with 5e Compendium compatibility: the D&D 5e sheet by Roll20, and the Shaped Sheet by user Kryx. Enter the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons with this custom character sheet Perfect for anyone who enjoys this creative game, this character sheet.
It will pull in attributes, but won't create a sheet. Does your game have a character sheet? If you have created a game without choosing a character sheet, then pulling in a monster will not create one. If this is the case, deleting the character sheet from the game and pulling in a fresh copy from the compendium should fix it. Did you already have a given monster of that name in the game? If you have a goblin (say) already resident, pulling in a fresh copy from the compendium won't overwrite it (so as not to destroy any customization you may have made).